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Take a Break, Then Get Back to Blogging

As human being, we are all need a break.

Bloggers who are tirelessly publishing contents, dealing with SEO, reaching out the others through e-mail etc are slowly aging in front of the screen while missing the chance of what's going on out there.

I'm not saying it's not worth it. This is just one way of pursuing a dream in life and that's the way it is.

When I started diving into blogosphere, it was certainly that I also had some favorite blogs to pay a regular visit whose domain names I never forget.

Waiting updates from my favorite blogs

But life is happening to everyone. Some are still sharing new ideas while I have nothing to tell about the rests leading me to miss most of those whose I have been knowing before while remembering them.

Hours ago, I was reading about the oldest blogger in the world, Dagny Valborg Carlsson. This year in 2020, she is 108 years young now.

For a beautiful and passionate lady that appreciate life through sharing flower images in her blog, she is a blogger that had been at more funerals we could never imagine. Yet, sharing life and thought are things she is doing regularly.

For some, blogging may end up when they have reached 50 or 60, for her, at the age of 100, blogging is about to start or even life itself and still going as strong as she possible to write and share while years ago she took internet by storm.

Not just in her home country of Sweden and not only for blogging community itself, but she is literally inspiring the world until today since she is also a television personality that have been participated in political debates on TV.

And yes, she is also interesting in making new friends and even managing a Dagny Carlsson Fanpage on Facebook to stay connected with everyone.

What's next?

Dagny Carlsson may not took a break from blogging before and then getting back to it.

But thinking about how old she is today, it can't really getting me away from an idea that I should also keep on publishing my thoughts of anything coming across to my mind through this blog and never gives up in life no matter what.

I know that tirelessly in writing with only some people are reading your works or worst never been found by anyone could be stressful when you are demanding yourself that your blog should be visited by thousands of people in a day.

But if you and me will still able to live for another 30 or even 60 years more, somehow it will never enough to cover all aspects we are concerning about in life.

And it never has been an excuse to stop.

Therefore, I do really understood how hard for everyone in building a blog and if some of you have been taking a long break before, stop it now and living it up once again. Write down your life today because there will always someone like me that will need to read from yours.

I'm dying waiting for your updates, have some mercy please!



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