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I Don't Trust a Site Who Stole My Content

There is a business site who are offering advertisement services and it is stole my content. How can I trust a business that didn't even ask a permission to use my content?

What I have been published is basically a dummy post that talked about the definition and benefits of something (the covered topic).

For any authors or online writers, the topic should be an easiest one to write down. Yet, there was a business site decided to 'support' plagiarism.

My blog post is stolen by a business site

At the end of the post, it is referred my blog link along with another one source with live link that surely will give my blog a dofollow link.

But I'm sure, it won't be a quality backlink as it is coming from plagiarized content without any permission at all in using my post.

For short, plagiarism is bad for both parties since it will be shown a duplicate content in search engines.

But, there are so many webs that actually doing this as well.

A big different is that they are addressing their readers that the post had been first published on other sites or blogs they have been got the permission for republishing the contents.

Even, some of the webmasters are deciding to not indexing the URL of duplicated content to give the maximum exposure to the original one.

Imagine if someone build an online business with stolen contents. Don't you think that will be a harmful act for the business itself since the beginning if someone identify such bad act?

That's how important the content writers are especially for sites which are planning to publish regular posts.

If hiring an employee isn't affordable enough, there have been so many sites offering writing service for everyone.

I do also struggling in writing a blog post. But one thing I can suggest to you to deal with it is that spend your time everyday in it even for only 10 minutes per day.

If you are doing this consistently, by the end of the week, you can really publish a post.

If the 10 minutes a day's rule will be applied and you will only possible to write 5 paragraphs, then for the whole week you will end up with a post consists of at least around 35 paragraphs.

That's a simple math you can try to help your writing process while preventing everyone from plagiarism.

I don't know how busy you are, but I believe that spending such short minutes everyday is actually easy. You can even starting it while waiting for your lunch.

In short, there's not actually a vital reason why people will need to stole contents from the others.



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