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Reasons Smart Bloggers Should Try Headline and Subject Line Generator

Have you been experiencing writer block in your blogging career? Since it is involving writing almost all the time, you surely will lost an idea as well about what's to write even though you have been got bunch of keyword inspiration in your spreadsheet.

That's when the Headline and Subject Line Generator will be a help for you as blogger or an online content writer that is requiring you to write more fresh contents for your blog.

Headline and Subject Line Generator is actually an extension for Google Chrome browser. So when you want to uses it, you have to installed it first on your browser.
Reasons to use Headline and Subject Line Generator for bloggers

Why bloggers should use Headline and Subject Line Generator?

Just by seeing the above image, you have known what it is for. Bloggers can get hundred of ideas about the next posts to write and publish on the blog.

The thing about blogging is that, the more you write, the less idea you get no matter how many keywords you have found and interesting to write about. And using this extension ca help you with all of those hassles in your day.

Even, just by define the title of what to write, you will then getting easier to type the words if you have been familiar with the topic.

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Another benefit you can get by using Headline and Subject Line Generator is to find more inspirations about how your title will be. One topic may have been covered by millions of site, and if you still want to write about it, then you should be more different since the beginning which is to make a different and stands out title for your post.

Doing this means also it can helps you to reduce the writer block or even getting rid of it.

One common thing we keep on doing when planning what to publish on blog is using the common formula which is 5W+1H.

But, just take another look to the above image, you'll get more than you have ever been thinking and planning before. It is helping us to find the unexplored idea since as human being, our minds are also limited.

When you are using the extension, you will only need to insert the keyword you have. And then, let the tool generate the titles for you.

Then, simply do a short check on Google with the chosen title you want to use. If there has been someone using it, finds another one or start makes a little change to it as needed. Just as simple as that.

The best part is that, this tool will really helpful for any kind of blogs or websites. Whether you are building the niche site or your own personal news blog, you are now have no longer a reason to say "I am sorry, I have no idea what's to write."

I am also using it sometimes when I have nothing to write about but still wants to publish content on blog. And then I realize that before, I was actually not really experiencing the writer block but just don't finds a helpful tool yet to boost my productivity as well as my creativity.



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