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I'm so done being a crypto trader

No more frequent crypto trading

If making money through trading cryptocurrency will be as easy as I thought before, poverty should have been gone in no time. Heck it might be more when stupid COVID-19 still around.

Being on a crypto market roller coaster for me not only allow me to loss some bucks but more money on the basket.

In fact, I feels like trading somehow a new color of gambling itself. I never knew when the dip is when market is in correction or even crash no matter how many good articles and digital publications I have read and watch.

But this doesn't mean that others are bad and i got cheated by trading systems (market) or whatsoever.

Being a crypto trader is just not for me as I am a bad one no matter what type of trader I am into or classified myself.

The term of buy the dip and sell high seems easy but not for real. Not or me to say the least.

When I have a thought that this time is the dip and execute the order, then minutes, hours or a day later there are still double or even triple bottoms the market need to reach.

Frankly speaking, that's so freaking much stressful no matter how good I'm pretending that I'm ok.

I don't care people will say that I'm a weak hand. This is me and I'll admit it as it is if that the only true that left.

The only strategy now is being a hodler. Just like what was written in the origin of HODL term itself for all crypto enthusiasts.

I'll try to encourage myself to hodl as long as it takes to reach my goal. That's why I keep getting more Bitcoin as my previous post earlier.

Even though the way I accumulate Bitcoin may not sending me a big chunk in volume or probably the journey will be as slow as the snail's walk, at least I don't stop trying.

I could be wrong, but I see that Bitcoin and so many other crypto assets aren't only offering a bright future in term of financial freedom but also be the great help for humanity and we can find all the valid proofs easily.

And what's good for human should be kept like FOREVER. Apologize if I less in educating myself, but that's what I believe.

Anyway, so many traders out there somehow acting like they never failed at all. Take Telegram's signal channels or certain Twitter accounts as an example.

Many keep feeding stupid people like me what to buy base on chart through what's so called as freaking Technical Analysis all with 'reasons' that somehow now sounds like excuses.

Little did I know, apparently I have jumped into 'pump and dump' scheme or whatsoever.

So stupid whom I mostly ended up blaming myself since they keep hiding in 'Do Your Own Research' or 'Do With Your Risk' advice.

That's why I keep this words for myself:

"If someone telling you what to buy, that's not an advice at all and simply trust nothing but yourself."

It is just amazing where some are actually making fun of other's money by telling them what to buy while advicing to spend only the amount of money they want to invest or lose. So much related to what gamblers are doing.

I am so done with all of those and willing to try my best to get away from anything related. Yikes! Don't get offended by this, y'all. This is just the way how I respond a thing or two and mainly for only educating myself through my own opinion.

All of what I said above is just part of my journey I'm willing to share and just like said earlier, none to blame but myself.

The goals for now are mainly how to accumulate more crypto assets I believe in and optimize the methods that are actually fit in me no matter what's happening in the market. And I hope all of you read this get your own goals you've settled up and deserved.



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