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Recording Video for YouTube is Hard

Being a YouTuber can be tempting when its come to think about the other’s experiences in earning money or gaining popularity through video platform.

But, for the starter like me, creating a single video can be challenging especially when an idea I’ve got is as simple as recording myself while talking one or two things.

Look, I am even rarely to take selfie and recording a video of myself with phone camera is never considered as my need before in term of sharing my thoughts. I am mostly will out of confident and too shy to do that while thinking about what will be in people’s mind when watching me on YouTube.

And then, couple of day ago, I have decided to move forward by recording myself where the videos will be uploaded to my YouTube channel that I have been created since 2013 ago without a single video at all. That’s the plan.

The first video I recorded was simply an introduction. No plan at all of things to say so I simply tap on record button and start talking. That’s where I was freezing after saying hi to the camera before my next talk which was “hey, this is my first ever recorded video on YouTube” and then stopped the recording session. That’s it! My first recorded video run for only around 30 seconds.

I then tried again, but still, the results were shameful for me. But I realized that the more I gave myself a try, the more getting used to me to interact with camera. Finally, I decided to upload the video. Done.

Minutes later, I found another inspiration. “I think that I should recording another one while talking about why people should subscribe to PewDiePie’s channel” that’s how my inner was whispering me. After some trials, I was successfully uploaded my second video to YouTube.

The problem was, around an hour later, I heard another whisper; “You should never upload the videos! Delete them now!” They are gone after that. My YouTube account is now empty as before as well as all the recorded videos in my phone’s memory.

That’s how fool and less confident I was with myself. I know it is embarrassing but I just can’t do that for now. Not yet!

Thinking about what other content creators are doing, I do really appreciate them. Many of them are full with confident to record theirself in front of the camera. Not to mention that their hardworks in editing the videos regularly are also worth our thumbs.

Just so you know, I have also the other 2 YouTube accounts with videos. But most of them, you won't find my face in it. Even, I think there's no way you can hear my voice as well. I simply recorded boring things that might not interesting at all.

Take creating a video about Photoshop tutorial as an example. Recording my own desktop is easy along with all the necessary processes. But when its come to put my face on it while talking, please, I just can't.

So for my case, even though I have been suggesting bloggers to create YouTube channel, this may only means to get backlink from there so we can still focusing on blogging platform. But if there will be someone can do both, at least I hope you can find one that will suit you in reaching your goal.



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