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Photography: A Rainy Day

I just checked this blog's Google Search Console account. I was heading to Coverage, there was a Crawl Anomaly for certain URLs.

One of them was telling me that I had been published about my own photography in the past. It was the rainy day images I have been taken that apparently the post itself had been removed.

Then I decided to visit my Google's Album Archive. There is sort of a folder called as Photos from Blogger.

No matter how many blog posts I had been deleted, the uploaded photos will still remain there. All of my visual stories are there.

And that's how I came up with an idea to re-publish my photographs. Just like my previous post about the seaside of Tomia Island in Wakatobi, those images were also re-published.

If I am remembering the location correctly, they were taken in Wangi-Wangi Island, the capital city of Wakatobi.

But it is not the matter where the exact location was since all images are only showing the raindrops on glass window.

Raindrops on glass window

All the images are special to me.

They are way to help me longing for someone, something, or even somewhere I had been to. The call of memory of pain and happiness.

Remembering the pain and happiness through rainy day

This may also a way to show the others how lonely I was at the moment. And I think it's not embarrassing at all to say so.

Men's masculinity doesn't mean a man not deserving to be lonely and weak. Everyone of us is vulnerable.

Darkest moment in a rainy day

In the rain and loneliness, there are always songs of longing sung by mother nature and songs composed by a mortal soul.

We are all hearing and feeling them. Sometimes, we are all dancing along.

Image of rainy day with raindrops on glass window

A rainy day is also good to heal ourselves from injuries of fighting and conquering the reality we could never let go of.

'cause even the dark is fading.

No matter how black the sky before and how harsh the raindrops were, there will always a rainbow of smile waiting in the end.

The light of hope we have been fighting for so long.

rainy day image with high contrast in Black and White



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