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Did You Create a Database of All the Blog Post URLs?

I created a database for all URLs of this blog mainly to monitor their index status in Google.

The way I did this is simple which is creating the new spreadsheet file on Google Drive so I can get access to it anytime I'm logging in to my account.

Here is the preview of the file I am talking about.

Monitoring blog post URL of a blog

The table that I have created consists of the list of all blog post URLs and Google's index status whether or not the URLs have been indexed with the addition of check-box mark.

If you are wondering why not just monitoring the URLs through Coverage option in Google Search Console, it is because sometimes the data its shown is different.

As an example, for the certain URLs, sometimes they were excluded as the detail types are telling me that the URLs are Discovered/Crawled - currently not indexed.

But when I check them manually with the common query like site:URL on Google, they actually have been indexed.

That's why the above example of database is important to me to do the manual check.

But it is not just for that.

Listing all the URLs is also useful to define which posts will be the priority to be optimized in the future.

The more posts you will have, the more difficult to remember which are worth to get the backlink. I mean, not all the blog posts need to get the same off-page optimization, right?

I know that's an ideal condition. But surely too good to be true.

Sometimes, the list is also helping me to know whether I have been published certain idea or not.

And back again, it's all about the limit of my own memory. More than 50 published posts are a lot to me and I couldn't remembering all of them.

That's when I decided to re-open the URLs file or database and using the search feature for certain keyword to give me an idea about should or shouldn't I start writing what I have in mind at the moment.

If the keyword search is matching with certain URL, most of the time that it is basically telling me not to write the topic since I have done and published it in the past.

From the above list example, we can also takes it any further such as planning the blog's internal links, identify about which blog's categories that are far behind in number compared to the others, sort the URLs based on their category to find more content ideas, etc.

Read also: Getting Backlink From Dummy Post, How Possible It Is?

Still, you are free to not following what I have been doing with this for quite some times now. It is just a way that suits me to be more productive as well as comfortable with all the blogging hassles I should dealth with.



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