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Google Hates My New Blog

I've created a new blog using and the first published post was on 28th July 2021. Up until today, the amount of posts are exactly 20. Here is the blog I'm talking about:

The sad part is, the only indexed page was the homepage itself.

I thought it won't getting any worst since sometime, the homepage URL itself keep missing from Google SERP. Meaning that there is not actually any single URLs are being indexed.

It feels like Google hates me.

I know that I wasn't writing a good long posts. Many of them just got 100 or 300 and maybe more than 500 words.

This is actually the weakness of the Blogspot platform itself. Owned by Google but so hard for indexing URLs.

I said so because if I built a new blog with the same 'thin' contents using Wordpress, my posts will be indexed eventually in short period of times.

This is also why I love Wordpress even tough I am not using the self-hosting one. No matter how thin and short the contents are, no need to worry about the indexing coverage.



How Prophet Muhammad Deal With Racism?

I don't know if this will be a new thing for you, but I've heard the story about Bilal Ibn Rabah, an enslaved black man punished for embraced Islam and followed the teachings of Prophet Muhammad.

Get Images From Pixabay Without reCAPTCHA

When we are going to get an image from Pixabay, the chosen image resolution may causing the site to show the reCAPTCHA pop-up box to verify that we are a human and not the robots. The site itself is offering users the 4 different image size and capacity (different resolution). The first resolution is the lowest and we can get the image right away when hitting the download button. Meanwhile for the second and third resolution, base on my experience, almost 100% the reCAPTCHA box will be displayed and we should getting through the process before start downloading. Different with the last option which is the highest image resolution, we will have to login to the site to get it.