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Google SERP Preview Tool for Blog Post Before Publishing

SERP preview tool is basically a simulator to visualize how a blog post appears in Google right before you decide to publishes it.

Commonly, there are 3 things Google is showing us in its search results which are:
  1. Title of a blog post
  2. Link
  3. Post/page description
For the post's link or URL, I think we don't need to worry about how it is displayed since it can be something the searchers won't care or analyze about.

But different with the post title along its description, both can be the reason how to increase the Click Through Rate (CTR) since these two things are where users paying their attention to.

The more relevant title and description the users are seeing, the more chances to get a link being clicked and the more visitors for your blog to get.

The thing is, using different devices to access Google causing the title and description won't be shown the same.

When you check your post title appearance in Google using a laptop, the result could be more than enough. But when you are using phone with smaller screen dimensions, the title may be truncated.

That's where Google SERP preview tool will be helpful to make you sure that your blog post will be shown the better way.

And to do that, I am using a preview tool built by Portent.

Using Portent's SERP preview tool

The main reason why I am using this tool is not only about how it is helps me to see my post snippet in Google but also how this tool is providing various screen size to select so I can see how my blog post will be displayed in different phone sizes.

Different screen size for SERP preview

From a desktop screen to phone with minimum size of 320 px, you will find out how a blog post will be shown.

For instance, when I am using it, I will directly choose the smallest screen size which is the best option. If the appearance of a post is perfect on smallest screen, then there won't be an issue when seeing it on higher screen size.

Of all the 3 things I have mentioned on above, the most important to paid attention is the post title.

For meta description itself, it should not be your concern any longer to be placed on every blog posts your published since Google will automatically screen the posts and showing the relevant brief summary of every web pages.

You can still use meta description for homepage and category pages, but in case you are in rush and forgot to write down the description of a post, no more worries since it mostly won't affecting your search engine optimization at all.

The important thing is that how perfect a blog post title is showing up since its length is limited while Google may also append your brand name automatically to your display titles based on format and settings you have applied.



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Get Images From Pixabay Without reCAPTCHA

When we are going to get an image from Pixabay, the chosen image resolution may causing the site to show the reCAPTCHA pop-up box to verify that we are a human and not the robots. The site itself is offering users the 4 different image size and capacity (different resolution). The first resolution is the lowest and we can get the image right away when hitting the download button. Meanwhile for the second and third resolution, base on my experience, almost 100% the reCAPTCHA box will be displayed and we should getting through the process before start downloading. Different with the last option which is the highest image resolution, we will have to login to the site to get it.