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I Just Deleted 32 Posts From This Blog, WHY?

Yup! You read this post title correctly. It is true that I just deleted my 32 published posts from this blog.

And I've got 1 main reason only why I've done that.

I just deleted 32 blog posts and here is the reason why

It is because of all the posts are about Photoshop tutorial whom I have created them using the pirated software.

Before, using the Photoshop's trial version was never enough for me. There are too many limited tools and features.

Meanwhile, getting an original one is way too expensive.

By that time, no single one taught me about copyright issue as well as how to appreciate other people hard works which has becoming my main concern from now on.

I'm blaming no one but myself for that. How stupid I was.

And I am no longer interesting to do that so I've came to a conclusion to not keep all the posts created by an illegal copy of the software.

That's it!

It feels like all the works are useless. But to be honest, I've never proud of myself about this before. I'm feeling relieved for doing this.

Removed 32 posts is also mean that there will be 33 links from this blog I should dealt with since the category link will surely being deleted automatically.

So later, I will have things to do to delete the 404 errors from Google Search Console, probably need to redirect all the links, surely I need to remove them from search engine too along with their cache version so they will be out of index, etc.

What a mess I have made!

Still, this is the best decision. No regret. Each of us making mistakes. Best part is, we can always try to fix them. That's what I'm doing now for this blog and for myself alone.

While I am glad for taking the decision, I am also thankful for found one Photoshop alternative. It is called as Photopea, an advanced image editor that works online as I have talked about before.

Somehow, its tools, features and how it works are so much similar to Photoshop. Therefore, what I have been learning since the beginning will still valuable and won't be forgotten.

So, if in the future I'd like to publish about photo editing process or how a graphic design is created, I may not using Photoshop but its alternative.

If I'm insisting to use Adobe's product, big chance it will be the trial version or the original copy that I am subscribed. At least, I can say that no more pirated software for now and later.

I hope, deleted my posts will also mean that I am trying to deleting my mistakes as well. And if you have been doing the same mistake as I did, I'm suggesting you to think about it from now.



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