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Backlinks From High Spam Score Sites Are Bad? Then You Don't Deserve Mind!

Today, my friend told me that backlinks from high spam score sites are bad for his own since they will increase his site's spam score as well. Surely I didn't agree with him.

But since he believed that, then I won't referring his site from this blog.

It doesn't mean I hates him. It is just because this blog itself has a chance to get higher spam score in the future.

So I won't put him in a worry.

See, at least he is now lost one potential link he could actually earns it. What a constructive conversation we've made.

But the real question is, how come backlinks from such sites are contagious?

In my opinion, MOZ itself that has this metric never address this issue. I don't know if I was skipping their blog posts or else, I just never read about this.

Even, MOZ had been published that getting high spam score doesn't mean that a site is spammy. Nope.

Another reason is that, I have a blog that has increased spam score as well. But I don't even care about it. Why?

No matter how the spam score is changing, my blog's visitors are growing. So, nothing to worry about, right?

Next, I have managed dozens of blog as PBN before. Some of them are truly get high spam score. The thing is, most of the backlinks I put there are worked. No problem at all and surely not changing the targeted site's spam score.

This blog itself is also got backlinks from so-called high spam score sites. But simply head to MOZ right away and you will find that its spam score is still 1 (for now).

No transmission at all. They are not contagious.

If there will be time you need to worry about this, then it must be a time when you are offering paid sponsored contents to your clients. You know the reason why: Perfection.

But in most cases, let's just move on and forget about this. So far, I think there is no point to talk about this. I could be wrong so don't take SEO's advice from me. I ain't SEO master but an amateur one.



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