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5 Ways to Secure Email Account So the Less Chance Its Get Hacked

There were many Yahoo accounts have been hacked. Gmail account as one of the giant search engines product in the whole internet is also facing the same issue and so do the other email providers. In general, there is not a single system without any vulnerabilities.

No matter how we are thinking that the system is "perfect," still, it is made by human. And, both the security system and the users who are using it, all of us have our own deficiencies.

But, you can still keep your email accounts secured so either the hackers that break into your system or your friends that want to steal your password will have less chance to do whatever they need from you.

Things you can do to secure your email account

As long as I know, all of the popular email providers in the world have been providing us ways to get more secured accounts. But, many of us still not knowing about those and even not considering them as important simple tasks to do until we have lost the account.

Ways to secure email account to get less chance its get hacked

So that, let's makes it simple. Your email account is part of your life as well. There you are knowing whether you get the job or not, contacting your professional colleagues, building your personal blog, and many things.

If you don't want to lose all of those things, then preventing and securing your email account should be a must. Makes it as your own priority as well.

1. Make a strong and unique email password that is difficult to guess even for your soulmate

If there will be one most important privacy on internet, that will be your password.

Married people can get divorced, man and woman in a relationship breaking up all the times, hypocritical friends may surrounding us. If they will guess your email account easily, then you're done.

Email provider like Gmail is recommending us to use a password containing at least 8 characters that are the combination of letters, numbers, and periods. So, makes a password more than that with, say 12 characters that can even hard for you to remembering it at the first time its made.

Then, gives your time remembering your email account password and I think it will not even reaches an hour for doing that.

For short, just make a strong email password that only God and you are knowing about it.

2. Add more security layers to your email account

If you are using Google Mail, have you been activating about 2-step verification? If not, you'd better do it now. Email provider like Yahoo is also offering the same and many others.

More about adding extra security layers to your account is by:
  • Add recovery phone number and email address to your account.
  • Regular check up of your email's security events.
  • Do check the devices you have been logging in before to make sure that it is you.
  • Remove some third-party apps and sites you are no longer using that you give access to your account.

3. Ensure to logged out if you are no longer use the email account

If you are logging into your email account on your laptop, you may are rare to log out since the laptop itself is never leave your home. In other hands, you may are never knowing who are watching you behind the screen.

What if there have been someone that can access your account without you are realizing it? It could be someone who are connecting your desktop to his phone or else. Or simply what if there will be someone in your family messing around with your own account?

4. Never ever be a big fan of saving password on your browser

Your devices can be accessed or borrowed by someone. I think this is also happening many times in life. While saving email account on browser is giving more chance to hackers in knowing your password, your friends can also see and get it easily.

If you have been doing that, you'd better remove all the passwords right away.

5. Clear your browsing history

Your browsing histories are your legacy. They are sites you have been visited and what you were accessing. And legacy shouldn't be shared with the public while you may are also not interesting to share them all with anyone in the world, don't you?

So, get rid off all your digital footprints after using browser especially when you have just used it for logging in to your email account.

Is there any other ways to secure email account that I have not been mentioned? Let me know your own insights.



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