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Things You Can Do If You're Too Lazy to Shower - Oh, come on! Are you really experiencing this? But I will admit that sometimes I do also too lazy to take a shower. Whether it is in the morning which is always my worst moment to do that or in the evening after got back from work. I am sure that sometimes many people will also tell themselves "I just don't want to take a bath." That's it.

Many have said that showering is good for health, while you may also probably have found an article on internet telling you that showering is worst. But no matter how the pros and cons are occurring, most of us are keep on turn on the shower get wet under it.

Tips for those who are too lazy to shower

Therefore, here are my best tips to save your life from your own self enemy in being lazy to bathe.

1. Do things that can make you sweat

You may want to push up for 5 minutes, yoga, boxing or any other exercises you keep on thinking it will helps you to be a healthier person. Most of the exercises are possible to make you sweating if you are doing them continuously.

And at the end of your activities, you may be disturbed by your own smell. And voila! You will then decided to go to the bathroom and no minute or after waiting for you sweat to dry before showering.

You are welcome!

2. Think about how fresh it is when you are showering

We keep on avoiding to do things that good for our health as well as for our life, too. And yes, showering can helps your life since it will make you being more motivated. You may are sleepy right before taking a bath, but when you started it, your body not only get cleaned.

It is amazing that just by taking a shower we will then experiencing refreshness for our body and mind just by splashing the water. Then, start your brand new day with positive vibes.

3. Think nothing, grab your towel and head to the bathroom!

What are needed so you will take a shower right away? Just get a towel and go to take a bath. Everyone's life have so many dramas so you don't need to add an unnecessary one. You don't even need to think about it if that won't hurt you while it is not for most cases unless you've got special condition.

What is wrong with you and me?

If you have been an adult person, I think you should never read this post even though I kept on writing and publishing it. If you think that you will need more reasons to showering, go ahead. But I won't add more lists since reading them may cost more of your times than showering itself.

Love you.



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